New Internet Explorer 9 doesn't please all

Neowin member, blogger and Microsoft Connect tester "tuxplorer" sent a long list of features that were removed from the transition from IE 8-9 on his blog, and despite reporting these issues to Microsoft, he felt that his concerns were not addressed. IE9 has been praised for its standards compliance, is something the team is committed to much better with a series of excerpts developer designed specifically for this purpose, even when you open the Release Candidate users are encouraged to test on a specially crafted Web site. So it all roses? Are there people out there who agree with the following, what appears to be a minority on this point. Let us know your thoughts! Although Internet Explorer 9 represent significant improvements to Trident rendering engine and Javascript engine, some elements of the user interface and features in Internet Explorer 8 is no longer present in Internet Explorer ninthInternet Explorer 9 installer can not
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