Top 10 Android Apps For Your Droid for your latest Motorola Droid and HTC Eris:
1. Locale: Tlets you customize your phone’s settings based on your location. You could program the app to set your phone to vibrate every time you’re at your office, or set it to go silent when you enter the perimeter of your local movie theater. Locale’s incredible location technology leverages GPS, Wi-Fi, and cellular positioning to determine the location of your phone. Although not all phones are equally equipped and not all location technologies have equal coverage, Locale gracefully scales back. Walking into a building with poor GPS reception? Not a problem.
Locale is available on the Android Market simply go to Android Market from your Droid and search for Locale.
2. Twidroid: This Android based Twitter app is available in a free and a pro version. Both of Twidroid’s offerings provide most every Twitter function you might need, from the basic viewing and sending tweets, following and unfollowing users, viewing profiles to the more advanced: saved searches, URL shortening, photo posting, and geo-location support.
3. Google Voice: The Google Voice for Mobile app is free to install and use. You do need to have an existing Google Voice account, however, for it to work. Once installed, you can make outgoing calls from your Google Voice number with the touch of a button, right from your contacts list. You also gain easy access to voicemail and Google Voice-based SMS messaging.
4. KeyRing: This Android app that puts your membership cards barcodes into your Motorola Droid. Simply scan your various cards anything from gym memberships to drug store discount clubs and Key Ring will categorize them into a drop-down menu.
Click here to download
5. Compare Everywhere: With Android app installed you scan a barcode in any store to get instant information about any product. Compare Everywhere will connect you to reviews and pricing details to make your shopping simpler.
6. Meebo: This Android app will keep you connected to all of your IM accounts while you’re roaming around with your new Droid. Meebo links multiple IM protocols into a single app that you can always keep running on your phone. AIM, MSN, Yahoo, MySpace IM, Google Talk, Jabber and ICQ are all supported — and, if you create a Meebo account, you can save a collective log of all your chats that’ll be accessible online.
7. Pandora’s Android App: Like its online iPhone counterpart, the Pandora Android app lets you listen to personalized radio stations based on your favorite artists or songs. Thanks to Android’s multitasking capabilities, you’ll be able to rock out while running other apps which the iPhone can’t handle.
8. ActionComplete: ActionComplete is a high-tech to-do list for your Droid phone. It makes it easy to organize your tasks and appointments, using a system developed by “GTD” (Getting Things Done”) guru David Allen. You can even set reminders that’ll pop up based on where you are, allowing you to remind yourself of certain tasks at the office, others at the home, and so on.
To install this free Android app simply search for ActionComplete on Android Market from your Droid.
9. Sherpa: The Android application that helps you find new places based on your own personal preferences won’t cost you a dime to download.. Sherpa “learns” your likes and dislikes, then uses your location information to suggest restaurants, stores, and attractions in your area that might float your boat.
10. Google Sky Map: The Google Sky Map app, actually overlays information about the night sky onto your Droid display. It uses a combination of GPS data, compass data, and date and time information to help you identify planets, stars, and constellations.
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