Samsung invests $22.6B in R&D, capex, adds 10,000 jobs

Suzanne Deffree, Managing editor, account -- EDN, May 17, 2010.Samsung Electronics Co Ltd today appear it will appoint 10,000 new advisers as it increases its absolute 2010 capex and R&D advance to 26 abundance won (about $22.6 billion), the better anniversary advance outlay anytime for the company.The advancing advance focuses on anamnesis and LCDs (liquid-crystal displays) and dwarfs planned 2010 investments by abounding of the company's rivals, as companies beyond the electronics industry abide to balance from 2009's bread-and-butter fallout.

Samsung said it fabricated the advance accommodation "to abode break of convalescent bazaar altitude throughout the all-around customer electronics and IT industries, while added deepening Samsung's administration in anamnesis semiconductors and LCD panels."Samsung hinted aftermost ages that big spending account was advancing back it said it would "substantially" access spending in 2010 afterwards advertisement almanac net assets for the March quarter. As of that banking statement, the aggregation had about 20 abundance won in cash.

"Although the all-around bread-and-butter ambiance and business altitude abide capricious and uncertain, if we advance aggressively in accretion accessories and in hiring again these affairs additionally present Samsung an befalling for approaching advance and to activate the economy," Samsung Electronics Chairman Kun-Hee Lee said in a account today.

Through the 2010 investment, about 18 abundance won will be invested in facilities, including 11 abundance won for semiconductor accomplishment and 5 abundance won to aggrandize accommodation for LCD console production. About 8 abundance won will be invested in R&D.

With the advance in new accomplishment lines, Samsung expects to appoint 10,000 new advisers in 2010, including 3,000 for the semiconductor business and 4,000 for the LCD business.

Samsung fabricated the advertisement at a groundbreaking commemoration for a new anamnesis band operation, Line-16, at its Nano City Circuitous in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province today. The band represents the aboriginal new assembly operation for Samsung back 2005 and is accepted to activate bearing 200,000 12-inch wafers per account in 2011. Line-16 is actuality complete on about 560,000-square meters of abandoned acreage aural Samsung's 1.6 million-square beat Hwaseong circuitous and will amount about 12 abundance won to build.

Broken out, the advance will see Samsung's anamnesis analysis access its accessories advance for 2010 from its aboriginal plan of 5.5 abundance won to 9 abundance won. The added advance includes establishing the new Line-16 for DRAM, NAND, and next-generation anamnesis articles in Hwaseong, and accretion the accommodation of the absolute Line-15 for the assembly of 30-nm chic DDR3 DRAM, Samsung said.

Samsung said that accretion Line-15 will acquiesce the aggregation to access the allotment of 30-nm-class DDR3 DRAM to added than 10% of its absolute assembly aggregate for cyberbanking abstracts processing DRAM by the end of the year.

Further, Samsung will additionally advance about 2 abundance won in its arrangement LSI operations targeted at adaptable handsets and agenda TVs, and to strengthen its branch business.

Expecting accretion appeal for large-size LCD TV panels, Samsung's advance will additionally authorize a new 8th-generation LCD band at its Tangjeong Circuitous in South Chungcheong Province. The 2.5 abundance won advance will acquiesce for Samsung's Band 8-2 Phase 2 ability to accept a accommodation of 70,000 panels per month.

Together with beforehand appear LCD investments, architecture of Samsung's fourth 8th-generation LCD band will access advance in LCD accessories for 2010 to a absolute of 5 abundance won, the aggregation said.


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