Polar box 2 : V 2.65 ready [mega update inside]

Hi to all Polar community,
This is the latest Update for PolarBox2 customers.

We apologice for the last errors found in Alcatel booting process, but this version must solve most of them.

Too, we added full calculator online, for allow users not need connect phone, and added READ CODES in most
of bootable phones, so flashings for alcatels has been reduced to few models only.

For last, more things about other brands (including 2 world first), please read full info

Any doubt, report or info, please not doubt in contact us inside official forums (as always)

So, lets go with the update description ...


PolarSuite Update - Version v2.6.5
PandaSuite Update - Version v1.3.8

HTC Phones (Android and Windows Platform )

[+] Added unlock (as beta) for this 3 models : HTC Glacier, HTC myTouch 4G and myTouch HD

[+] Added this new models (only for flashing) : HTC Deside S, Wildfire S, HTC EVO 4G and HTC ChaChaCha

[+] Added Common Flashing process for ALL ANDROID based phones (as beta)

[+] Added SDCard autodetection function (availability and size)

[+] Added Check Battery function for secure flashing procedure (availability, status and charge level)

[+] Solved problem with some DESIRE simlock size (versions not supported)
[+] Fixed some "warnings" (now not appears) and some error process

[+] Fixed problem that not reboot phone after some operations

[+] Fixed bug in T-Mobile Wing (Herald) that solves "UNKNOW MODEL" issue

[+] Now the price for this license has been decreased (Blackberry and HTC = 69 euro)

[+] Added more than 10 Gigas of official ROMs android in support (full details at bottom)

ZTE / SFR Phones (Calculations)

ZTE Blade

Orange San Francisco
Dell XCD35

[+] Added new algorithm (for NCKs "B04" new security)
Exclusive World First !!!
[+] Now we give both NCKs (old security "B03" and new security "B04")

ZTE Z525

SFR 151

[+] Added algorithm calculation (for unlock)
Exclusive World First !!!
[+] Exclusive solution

ZTE Phones (Qualcomm new secured)

ZTE F100

ZTE F101
ZTE F102
ZTE F102i
ZTE F930

[+] Direct Unlock

[+] Read UserCode
[+] Procedure added to LICENSE1 (LG and Samsung)

LG Phones (Infineon based)

LG A100

LG A180
LG A180a
LG A180b

[+] Read Codes (unlock)

[+] Reset Settings (usercode)

Samsung Phones (Android and Windows based)

Samsung i8000

Samsung i8000L
Samsung i8003

[+] Direct Unlock

[+] Reset UserCode

Samsung S5570 (android)

[+] Direct Unlock

[+] Reset UserCode

Alcatel Phones (Online Calculator)

This are the "initial" models, soon we will complete with all (in the next updates)

Please, report any wrong code to our supporters.

Alcatel Models (some are new)


104 105 106 108 109 115 121 122
204 205 206 208 209 222 223 255
304 305 306 344 345 355 361 362
505 505k 506 508 540 543 565 565k
706 708 710 710D 710k 799
800 802 802Y 803 806 806D 807 807D 808 808G 809 880
I802 I898

Vodafone Models

Vodafone 331 345

Vodafone 541 543

SFR Models (all new)

SFR115 SFR121 SFR122


[+] Read Codes functions added for this models (no more FLASHING for unlock)

[+] Full extended READ CODES (5 levels lock readed)

Alcatel / SFR Phones (MTK based)

Alcatel OT-090

Alcatel OT-361
Alcatel OT-362
Alcatel OT-F115
Alcatel OT-F121
Alcatel OT-F122
Alcatel OT-F344
SFR 115
SFR 121
SFR 122
SFR 344

[+] Unlock (via read codes)

[+] Full extended READ CODES (5 levels added)
[+] Write function (Firmware, Language and Eeprom backup)
[+] Change language (via Flashing)
[+] Repair function (via Flashing)
[+] Reset Usercode (via Flashing or Format FFS)
[+] Working with baudrate up to 921.600bds
[+] Prepairing now Flashfiles for add to support

Alcatel OT-665

[+] Working in unlock and read codes (not available now)

[+] Write function (Firmware, Language and Eeprom backup)

[+] Change language (via Flashing)
[+] Repair function (via Flashing)
[+] Reset Usercode (via Flashing or Format FFS)
[+] Working with baudrate up to 921.600bds
[+] Prepairing UNLOCKED Flashfiles for add to support

Blackberry Phones (RIM Platform)

[+] Added button with MEP Calculation algorithm (for extract MEP without cable, via screen)

[+] Fixed some NCK lenghts in MEP files (solved)

Flashfiles and Firmwares uploaded to support area (more than 10 Gigas)


PB99IMG_Bravo_Froyo_Fastweb_IT_2.25.1600.2_R_Radio _32.48.00.32U_5.11.05.14_release_157622_signed

PB99IMG_Bravo_Froyo_HTC_ARA_2.32.415.3_Radio_32.49 .00.32U_5.11.05.27_release_157343_signed
PB99IMG_Bravo_Froyo_HTC_Egypt_2.32.466.1_Radio_32. 49.00.32U_5.11.05.27_release_159672_signed
PB99IMG_Bravo_Froyo_HTC_WWE_2.29.405.5_Radio_32.49 .00.32U_5.11.05.27_release_159811_signed
PB99IMG_Bravo_Froyo_O2_DE_2.14.207.3_R_Radio_32.49 .00.32U_5.11.05.27_release_157718_signed
PB99IMG_Bravo_Froyo_O2_UK_2.14.207.3_R_Radio_32.49 .00.32U_5.11.05.27_release_157796_signed
PB99IMG_Bravo_Froyo_Orange_CH-FR_2.22.71.4_Radio_32.48.00.32U_5.10.05.30_release _157902_signed
PB99IMG_Bravo_Froyo_Orange_ES_2.22.75.3_R_Radio_32 .48.00.32U_5.11.05.14_release_157516_signed
PB99IMG_Bravo_Froyo_Orange_FR-B2B_2.22.73.6_Radio_32.49.00.32U_5.11.05.27_releas e_164703_signed
PB99IMG_Bravo_Froyo_Orange_PL_2.22.69.3_R_Radio_32 .48.00.32U_5.11.05.14_release_158011_signed
PB99IMG_Bravo_Froyo_TMO_UK_2.12.110.4_R_Radio_32.4 9.00.32U_5.11.05.27_release_157560_signed
PB99IMG_Bravo_Froyo_Vodafone_FR_2.33.163.1_R_Radio _32.49.00.32U_5.11.05.27_release_157575_signed


PD98IMG_Ace_Gingerbread_S_HTC_WWE_2.36.405.8_R_Rad io_12.54.60.25_26.09.04.11_M2_release_187331_signe d

PD98IMG_Ace_Gingerbread_S_HTC_WWE_2.50.405.2_Radio _12.54.60.25_26.09.04.11_M2_release_199042_signed
PD98IMG_Ace_HTC_WWE_1.28.405.1_Radio_12.28.60.140e _26.03.00.04_M2_release_152502_signed
PD98IMG_Ace_HTC_WWE_1.32.405.6_Radio_12.28b.60.140 e_26.03.02.26_M_release_155891_signed
PD98IMG_Ace_HTC_WWE_1.72.405.3_R_Radio_12.28e.60.1 40f_26.04.02.17_M2_release_161342_signed
PD98IMG_Ace_Orange_UK_1.40.61.2_Radio_12.28b.60.14 0e_26.03.02.26_M_release_157531_signed
PD98IMG_Ace_Orange_UK_1.84.61.2_Radio_12.28g.60.14 0f_26.05.05.27_M3_release_170856_signed
PD98IMG_Ace_TMO_UK_1.75.110.2_R_Radio_12.28e.60.14 0f_26.04.02.17_M2_SF
PD98IMG_Ace_Vodafone_UK_1.32.405.3_Radio_12.28b.60 .140 e_26.03.02.15_M3_release_155032_signed


PG88IMG_Saga_HTC_ARA_1.36.415.6_Radio_20.28d.30.08 05U_3805.04.02.01_M_release_187871_signed

PG88IMG_Saga_HTC_Europe_1.28.401.1_Radio_20.28b.30 .0805U_38.03.02.11_M_release_177977_signed
PG88IMG_Saga_Orange_ES_1.31.75.1_Radio_20.28b.30.0 805U_38.03.02.11_M_release_180033_signed
PG88IMG_Saga_Orange_UK_1.31.61.1_Radio_20.28b.30.0 805U_38.03.02.11_M_release_178918_signed
PG88IMG_Saga_Telefonica_1.33.621.10_Radio_20.28d.3 0.0805U_3805.04.02.01_M_release_188777_signed
PG88IMG_Saga_Vodafone_UK_1.32.161.1_Radio_20.28b.3 0.0805U_38.03.02.15_M_release_179398_signed


PC10IMG_Vision_BellMobility_WWE_1.34.666.1_Radio_1 2.28b.60.140e_26.03.02.18_M2_release_154437_signed

PC10IMG_Vision_HTC_ARA_1.83.415.2_Radio_12.28e.60. 140f_26.04.02.17_M2_SF_release_168396_signed
PC10IMG_Vision_HTC_Asia_HK_CHT_1.34.708.3_Radio_12 .28b .60.140e_26.03.02.18_M2_release_154602_signed
PC10IMG_Vision_HTC_Asia_India_1.34.720.3_Radio_12. 28b. 60.140e_26.03.02.18_M2_release_154620_signed
PC10IMG_Vision_HTC_Asia_TW_1.34.709.3_Radio_12.28b .60. 140e_26.03.02.18_M2_release_154597_signed
PC10IMG_Vision_HTC_Asia_WWE_1.34.707.3_Radio_12.28 b.60.140e_26.03.02.18_M3
PC10IMG_Vision_HTC_Egypt_1.72.466.4_Radio_12.28e.6 0.140f_26.04.02.17_M2_release_160882_signed
PC10IMG_Vision_HTC_WWE_1.34.405.4_Radio_12.28b.60. 140e_26.03.02.24_M_release_155297_signed
PC10IMG_Vision_HTC_WWE_1.72.405.2_Radio_12.28e.60. 140f_26.04.02.17_M2_release_160660_signed
PC10IMG_Vision_HTC_WWE_1.82.405.1_R_Radio_12.28e.6 0.140f_26.04.02.17_M2_SF_release_168383_signed
PC10IMG_Vision_HTC_WWE-AFK_1.84.421.1_R_Radio_12.28e.60.140f_26.04.02.17_ M2_SF_release_168865_signed
PC10IMG_Vision_Orange_FR-B2B_1.85.73.2_Radio_12.28e.60.140f_26.04.02.17_M2_ SF_release_170528_signed
PC10IMG_Vision_Vodafone_CH-DE_1.82.166.1_Radio_12.28e.60.140f_26.04.02.17_M2_ SF_release_166718_signed
PC10IMG_Vision_Vodafone_UK_1.82.161.1_Radio_12.28e .60.140f_26.04.02.17_M2_SF_release_166714_signed



HEROIMG_Hero_hTC_Asia_HK_WWE_3.34.721.1_R_Radio_63 .18.55.06P_6.35.15_release_signed
HEROIMG_Hero_HTC_BE_3.35.1100.3_Radio_63.18.55.06P _6.35.15.14_release_signed
HEROIMG_Hero_HTC_RUS_3.32.411.1_R_Radio_63.18.55.0 6P_6.35.15.14_release_signed
HEROIMG_Hero_HTC_RUS_3.36.411.1_Radio_63.18.55.06P _6.35.15.14_release_170509_signed
HEROIMG_Hero_HTC_TUR_3.35.468.2_Radio_63.18.55.06P _6.35.15.14_release_signed
HEROIMG_Hero_HTC_WWE_3.36.405.1_Radio_63.18.55.06P _6.35.15.11_release_169878_signed
HEROIMG_Hero_Orange_FR-B2B_3.40.73.3_Radio_63.18.55.06P_6.35.15.14_releas e_signed
HEROIMG_Hero_Orange_UK_3.35.61.3_Radio_63.18.55.06 P_6.35.15.14_release_signed
HEROIMG_Hero_Orange_UK_3.41.61.4_Radio_63.18.55.06 P_6.35.15.14_release_signed


SAPPIMG_Sapphire_HTC_Europe_2.20.401.2_HTC_ITA_rel ease_signed

SAPPIMG_Sapphire_Vodafone_FRA_1.91.163.1_R_DRC92_s igned
SAPPIMG_Sapphire_Vodafone_Mobilkom_1.91.177.1_R_DR C92_signed
SAPPIMG_Sapphire_Vodafone_UK_1.91.161.1_R_DRC92_si gned
SAPPIMG_Sapphire_HTC_Asia_WWE_2.53.707.2_SEA_test_ signed_NoDriver
SAPPIMG_Sapphire_HTC_Europe_3.05.401.3_release_sig ned_NoDriver
SAPPIMG_Sapphire_Vodafone_Generic_2.20.151.4_GR_te st_signed_NoDriver


PG76IMG_Marvel_HTC_ARA_1.47.415.1_R3_Radio_47.10b. 35.3030H_7.47.36.10M_release_196164_signed

PG76IMG_Marvel_HTC_Europe_1.33.401.2_R3_Radio_47.1 0.35.3029H_7.46.35.08_release_196132_signed
PG76IMG_Marvel_HTC_Europe_1.33.401.2_Radio_47.10.3 5.3029H_7.46.35.08_release_185724_signed
PG76IMG_Marvel_Vodafone_UK_1.33.161.2_R3_Radio_47. 10.35.3029H_7.46.35.08_release_196268_signed
PG76IMG_Marvel_Yoigo_ES_1.50.1510.6_Radio_47.10c.3 5.3030_7.47.36.19M_release_196562_signed


RUU_Dream_Orange_FR_1.58.73.2_test_signed_WithDriv er.nbh

RUU_Dream_Rogers_WWE_1.89.631.1_R_release_signed_N oDriver.nbh
RUU_Dream_Telefonica_ESN_1.86.621.4_release_signed _WithDriver.nbh




Thanks in advance for your attention.

With best regards,

[ Polar Team ]

[ Http://www.polarbox2.net ]




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