I was having a problem getting it to work in Lucid (on my macbook 4,1), but then I tried the following and it works now:
sudo modprobe -r uvcvideo
sudo modprobe uvcvideo
Cheese acts a little weird though, video goes to black unless I move the window around - but skype finds the webcam which it didn't before.
d'oh! sorry, after a reboot I found it wasn't working again. I tried the above reload of uvcvideo and that didn't work. Before I did that the first time, I had reinstalled the firmware using ift-extract from the isight-firmware-tools package to extract isight.fw from the AppleUSBVideoSupport file using the following command:
sudo ift-extract -a AppleUSBVideoSupport
That is with AppleUSBVideoSupport in my home folder, but it will work in whatever folder its in (if it works at all - sometimes the AppleUSBVideoSupport won't work )
Anyway, it seems that is what got it working again. Might need to be done after every reboot (or whenever I want to use the webcam, at least)
I have exactly the same problem (and same dmesg output) on Kubuntu 10.04 64-bit on Macbook Pro 5.3. I have tried paulinchen's suggestion without success; ift-extract moves isight.fw to /lib/firmware anyway.I can get the camera working by booting into OS X, starting Photo booth to get OS X to load the firmware, then reboot (not poweroff) in Kubuntu, but it obviously lasts only until the next poweroff and is very annoying.
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