How To Install iOS 5 Beta 5 On iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

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Apple has finally Launched iOS 5 beta 5 for the Developers recently.If you are registered member with iPhone developer program,You would be able to download iOS 5 beta 5 now and install it on your device.This tutorial will gonna show you how you can install iOS 5 beta 5 on your iPhone,iPod Touch and iPad.First of all one thing should be clear in your mind that iOS 5 beta 5 is an OTA update that is supported with iPhone,iPod Touch and iPads.It means Your registered Device will only recieve OTA changes and you will not be able to download whole iOS 5 beta 5 IPSW.The size of iOS 5 beta 5 OTA update is 123 MB and its downloading time depends upon the connection speed.

How To Install iOS 5 Beta 5 OTA On iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Step 1:Move to the Settings. app.

Step 2: Strike the General Button.

Step 3: After striking General,Move your Cursor down and select Reset.

Step 4: Click on Erase All Content and Settings.

Step 5: Tap on Erase iPhone/iPad/iPod touch, the device will ask you twice.

Step 6: Set up your device PC-free once again.

Step 7: Once you have set up the device, once again go to the

Step 8: Now tap on General followed by Software Update. You will be shown the image posted below. Tap on Download and Install.

Precautions for installing iOS 5 beta 5 :

There are some things you must be aware of:If you have unlocked iPhone software then it would be better not to install iOS 5 beta 5 because if you do,You will lose your unlocked iPhone software.If you have officially unlocked iPhone software then you may go for installing iOS 5 beta 5.

Once you stumble upon a gem from Apple's App Store, it is extremely easy to share the app with your buddies. Send over a URL and the job is done, and they too can enjoy your wondrous discovery. Be it an addictive game or a great reference app, there are fast approaching half a million to choose from, so recommendations are a good way of cutting corners.

The Cydia "Store" if you like to call it, contains a variety of tweaks which you may also want to share directly with your friends in this way, but you may not have thought it was possible. Well it is, and although it's not quite as straightforward as the Cupertino company's effort, it certainly doesn't take a genius to master.

Firstly, you will of course need a jailbroken iPhone, iPad or iPod touch in order to get access to the Cydia store, the centerpiece of the jailbreak infrastructure, the key to essentially getting your iDevice out of jail. You can follow our step by step guide posted here to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch on iOS 4.3.5 using Redsn0w (or PwnageTool), or on iOS 4.3.3 using Redsn0w, PwnageTool, Sn0wbreeze & JailbreakMe (that last one being the easiest).

With the formalities behind us, we're now going to demonstrate step-by-step how you can share Cydia apps between yourselves and your friends, family members, of if you're a real Apple junkie, between your own iDevices.
Step 1: Fire up Cydia, and locate the package you wish to share. The full list of your installed Cydia applications can be found under the Manage icon and selecting Packages.

For More information visit Dipmore to keep yourself updated with all the latest over the Web and Further read our blog post on Install iOS 5 beta 5.

07 Aug, 2011

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