Madrid, Milan, Barcelona, London, Argentina, Brazil, Netherlands?EUR?Which city or country are you playing for?

All soccer fans love soccer video games. Nothing gets better than playing your favorite player, team or country against anyone and anywhere. Such delight is offered by only EA Sports' FIFA 12. The latest game of the FIFA Soccer franchise is more than just brilliant, it is heavenly.

FIFA 12 is the sequel to FIFA 11. Usually EA Sports does not change much every year in these games. The only changes that are made are the player changes that are transfers and kit changes. EA Sports also does not change much in the list of arenas in the game. The home stadiums of the top clubs of in Europe are always a staple on the list. Last year however in FIFA 11 introduced a new system in the game play of the game. The Player Pro Intelligence makes the gaming experience more realistic. FIFA 12 continues with the Player Pro Intelligence system. Under this, players can shoot, pass and perform skills based on the experience of the player. If the player is playing for the first time obviously his passing and shooting wouldn't be as accurate. But if the player continues playing, the characters in the game accumulate a certain level of experience that enhances their accuracy while playing.

Players now play like real players

Under the Player Pro Intelligence, players are also more accustomed to their positions. For example, wingers are most likely to cross (and are better crossers), where as tall footballers are well known for the aerial outreach, especially for headers. The player intelligence also improves the dribbling and ball possession of the players. In areas near the goal where defending is tight, players with the ball know to keep the ball close to their feet.

Along with this EA Sports has also for the first time modified player defending. Earlier defending was very primitive and often very silly. However FIFA 12 introduces the new tactical defending system. It focuses on improving tackling, intercepting passes and positioning the defender.

Excitingly challenging Gameplay

With EA sports making such improvements to the players in the game it would make sense that controls of the game would also change. All the console versions including the Wii version would feature a harder set of controls. However if one understands the fundamentals of soccer then the controls would not be difficult to get used to. The game though with its ratings is suitable for very young kids. However the game play restricts the young adolescents from playing this game. Game developers have made FIFA 12 with extreme detail such that gamers can put their own strategy in play in a match. It wouldn't be surprising if people started calling themselves Soccer managers after playing this game.

01 Aug, 2011

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