KK SL3 Cloud Server Ver 1.2 Released

KK SL3 Cloud Server Ver. 1.2 Final Released

Ver 1.2 Direct Link for Download Here

Sending *COD files by mail added
- Sending SL3 volue by mail added

Work for KK and NanoBox Users !

Allows you to manage computers calculating SL3.
You can build a local network and the Internet.
The system controls the work of computers and divides the work to all in equal parts.
If any of the computers can find the code, others stop counting and start a new IMEI.
If you enter the email address of his client, after calculating the code server will send an email with the code for your client.
You can expand the system to different amounts of computers.
For cost of 50 € you can connect 10 computers. If you have more computers, then you have to buy another license for another 10 computers.


START - run/stop server activity
LOAD DB/SAVE DB - load/save database from/to file
CLEAR DB - clear database in server
READ LOG - read log files with IMEI and HASH



in debug will be displayed remote connections to server etc

# Database #

!New record or edited record must be ALWAYS confirmed by ENTER key!
!Used record is marked as RED and cannot be modified
!Selected record is marked as CYAN (will mask RED used record when actually selected)

ID - unique ID of record
FINISHED - indicator of finished record(SL3 value found or not)
IN_USE - indicator of already used record
IMEI - IMEI number to store
HASH - HASH value to store
START_DT - First access record date/time.
STOP_DT - end record date/time(when SL3 Value is found or not)
MAIL - email address to send result and cod files(not finished yet)
NOTES - user notes


- Copy license file to directory with server application
- Start server application
- If is first time when you run it, then server must be configured(notification will be displayed)
- Go to "SETTINGS" page and set:

1) Port - choice any port which do not collide with any port used in system and is in range 1024-65535
2) Access Password - set password to protect access to server(empty password = everyone can access). Password will be required for every calculating computer
Password is hidden, you can always unhide it by mark "unhide" checkbox. Select strong password or use build in generator - "generate random"
3) Click "Save settings"

Server is configured and ready to write data to database.

1. Used record is marked as RED and cannot be modified.
2. Selected record is marked as CYAN (will mask RED used record when actually selected) .
3. Every changes in record must be confirmed with ENTER key. New record will get unique ID.
4. New or modified record will be confirmed by information at bottom bar if all values are correct.
5. Record without all correct data will not be stored(no information at bottom bar).
6. By set used record as UNFINISHED, will clear all information about progress, however record will be marked as
FOUND if any of remote computers which still calculating will find SL3 Value.
7. If any of remote computer will disconnect accidentially, server will NOT cancel used part byself

Best Regards ! GSMinfo !


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