Kulankendi Ver 3.08 Final Released !
- NANOBox users fusion with KulanKendi. Now all NANO Boxes are part of KK team.
- Added: SL3 cloud computing(require main cloud server)
- Added: SL3 new *.sha and *.cod MxKey format
- Added: Huawei E173(wihthout customized FW)
KKMC Ver. 3.08 Final
- NANOBox users fusion with KulanKendi. Now all NANO Boxes are part of KK team.
- Added: SL3 cloud computing(require main cloud server)
- Added: SL3 new *.sha and *.cod MxKey format
- Added: Huawei E173(wihthout customized FW)
KKMC Ver. 3.08 Final
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