Also on IBM's cat-sized-brain-simulation materials list: 143 terabytes of RAM, miles and miles of cabling, a million watts of electricity, 6675 tons of air conditioning equipment, and an acre of floor space.
Cats: they're kinda dumb. They only seem smarter than dogs because they're not so friendly, and our society judges kindness harshly. It's
So how long before a supercomputer can simulate (roughly—since these computer simulations don't have the same neural patterning and learning capabilities of a real brain, among other things) an entire human cortex? Weirdly soon, says the project's lead scientist:
To [simulate a human cortex], he'll need to find 1000 times more computing power. At the rate that supercomputers have expanded over the last 20 years, that super-super computer could exist by 2019. 'This is not just possible, it's inevitable,' Modha says. 'This will happen.'People need to stop getting worked up about the future, honestly: Before we have to worry self-aware robot uprisings, we're going to have to deal with decades of extremely dumb, extremely expensive fake pets. Enforced caution, I believe this is called.
[Gizmodo via Popular Mechanics]
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